Title | Contact |
Green space management at the KIT campus sites | |
EUPHORIA – European plant phenology research in aquatic systems | |
URBORETUM Work Package TreePulse: City trees under drought- relating functional ecology to remote sensing | |
AIReSVeg - AI-based Remote Sensing products for Vegetation mapping | Sebastian Schmidtlein |
SWIM – Structure from motion for Water-based Investigation of submerged Macrophytes | |
LELE — The Lapalala Elephant Landscape Experiment | Jesse M. Kalwij, Annemieke Müller (LW), Sebastian Schmidtlein, Fabian Faßnacht, Peter C. le Roux (UP), Michelle Greve (UP), Bettine Jansen van Vuuren (UJ)
SPAM – The Sani Pass Alien plants Monitoring Project |