General information on possibilities to study abroad can be found on the websites of the KIT International Students Office. For Outgoing students there are monthly information events organized by the IStO!


Application deadlines and some general information can be found at the Erasmus+ website of the BGU-faculty.Current Erasmus+ coordinator for Geoecology and Geography is Prof. Sebastian Schmidtlein. Contact person for incoming and outgoing students is Dr. Christophe Neff.

New Erasmus+ cooperation with Bologna is completed! Students from IfGG and BIGEA can apply for the next period.

Free mover

Students interested in exchange visits with non-European countries can apply for a scholarship at the DAAD or find more options at IStO.

Courses in English

At the IfGG some courses (courses in English) at the Masters level are given in English if there are non-German speaking participants. Do not hesitate to contact the lecturer directly.

Additionally, there is a new Master "Water Science and Engineering" with English courses, which can be chosen after consultation of the responsible lecturer. A selection of courses at KIT in English can also be found at the homepage of KIT-GRACE science school.