ATTO+ – Earth System and Climate Studies at the Amazon Tall Tower Observatory |
08/2021 |
01/2025 |
Flávia Machado Durgante |
Assessing the effects of past and future climate change on Amazonian biodiversity (CLAMBIO) |
01/2021 |
12/2023 |
Florian Wittmann |
Development of a floodplain biotope network on the Lower Middle Elbe |
11/2012 |
10/2017 |
Christian Damm |
Development of bio-diversity in floodplains |
08/2013 |
11/2015 |
Development potentials of floodplains and river landscapes |
08/2012 |
07/2015 |
Lars Gerstner |
11/2020 |
01/2023 |
Isabell Becker |
Ecological and silvicultural strategies for adapting to climate changes for long-term protection of ecosystems in alluvial forests within the Rastatt’s NSG Rhine Floodplain |
11/2014 |
01/2016 |
Gregory Egger |
Ensuring the survival of wild vines in the Rhine’s floodplains by means of targeted in situ-Management |
06/2008 |
11/2013 |
Floodplain forests and climate change: silvicultural recommendations for floodplain-forest management with regard to climate protection, biodiversity and economy |
02/2018 |
12/2020 |
Mareike Roeder |
FluBig: Fluvial Biogeomorphology across Multiple Scales |
02/2024 |
02/2027 |
Prof. Dr. Gregory Egger |
Freier Pendelraum für Fließgewässer – Methoden zur Anwendung des Konzeptes an Beispielen in Deutschland |
02/2017 |
04/2020 |
Isabell Becker |
INTERREG GRETA (GRETA - GRoundwater EvoluTions and resilience of Associated biodiversity - Upper Rhine) |
09/2023 |
08/2026 |
Christian Damm |
Index zur Vulnerabilität amazonischer Baumarten auf veränderte hydrologische Regime im Zuge des Klimawandels – Fallstudie ATTO |
03/2017 |
03/2020 |
Florian Wittmann |
Konzeption zur naturschutzfachlichen Aufwertung von Baggerseen am Oberrhein |
04/2021 |
03/2024 |
Christian Damm |
Machbarkeitsstude "Redynamisierung Rastatter Rheinaue" |
01/2019 |
12/2020 |
Christian Damm |
Modelling the floodplain development in the dike relocation area near Lenzen |
10/2014 |
09/2015 |
Gregory Egger |
Oberrhein VITAL - Phase II - Verjüngungskonzept Rheininsel Ketsch |
05/2019 |
12/2020 |
Oberrhein VITAL – der Vitis vinifera sylvestris Arten-Management-Leitfaden für die Naturschutzpraxis |
05/2017 |
04/2019 |
RESI – Praxisimplementierung Lahn (RESI-Lahn) |
09/2019 |
06/2020 |
Christian Damm |
RESI-River Ecosystem Service Index |
07/2015 |
06/2018 |
Christian Damm |
Rastatter Bruch – Modellhafte Entwicklung eines stadtnahen Feuchtgebietes |
04/2022 |
03/2025 |
Christian Damm |
The documentation of national enterprises for nature-compatible flood control, ecologically optimized use of hydropower and the protection of floodplains. |
09/2008 |
03/2011 |
Christian Damm
Tree species responses of western Amazonian floodplain forests to hydro-geomorphic disturbance as tool for predicting impacts caused through river damming and climate change |
09/2021 |
10/2024 |
Florian Wittmann |
Understanding the resilience of Amazon floodplain forests |
08/2017 |
07/2019 |