
M. Sc. Marion Niederl

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
    Kaiserstr. 12
    76131 Karlsruhe

Marion Niederl

biodiversity and nature conservation management


  • nature conservation
  • vegetation science
  • biodiversity
  • ecology


2014 – 2021 Staff at KIT, Institute of Geography und Geoecology, Department of wetland ecology, Rastatt.
2014 Internship at KIT, Institute of Geography und Geoecology, Department of wetland ecology, Rastatt.
2013 Master of Science in Nature Conservation and Biodiversity Management. University of Vienna, Austria. Master thesis “Habitat preferences of Himantoglossum adriaticum – associated flowering plants as indicators” supervisor: o. Univ.-Prof. i.R. Mag. Dr. Georg Grabherr.
2011/2012 Freelance work at WWF Austria, Vienna. Functions: constructing a Geo-Database and field survey.
2011 Student assistant at University of Vienna, Function: mentoring of vegetation relevés in student courses.
2011 Internship at WWF Austria, Vienna.
2008 Bachelor of Science in Biology. Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg.


Entwicklung eines länderübergreifenden Auenbiotopverbundes an der Unteren Mittelelbe

F+E-Vorhaben "Entwicklung der Biodiversität von Flussauen"
