totzki_jan_klein Totzki

M.Sc. Jan Totzki

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
    Kaiserstr. 12
    76131 Karlsruhe

Jan Totzki


  • Eco-physiology
  • Plant physiology
  • Soil ecology
  • Urban trees and forests


Since 2024 Doctoral candidate at the IfGG in the project URBORETUM - Preventing urban tree mortality and linking ecosystem services to biophysical and ecological processes: an inter- and transdisciplinary study to co-create sustainable and resilient urban forests of the future
2024 M.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University Freiburg, thesis: “Variation of Soil Respiration under Street and Park Trees of different Age and Species” (Junior Prof. Dr. Kathrin Blumenstein, Dr. Somidh Saha)
2023 - 2024 Student assistant at the Institute for Rural Development Research
2023 - 2024 Student assistant at the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (Sylvanus Research Group)
2021 B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, University Freiburg, thesis: “The post 2020 Forest Policy: An Actor-Centered Policy Analysis” (Prof. Dr. Poschen, Dr. Metodi Sotirov)