Kalle Hartleif

Kalle Hartleif

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
    Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
    Adenauerring 20b
    76131 Karlsruhe

Kalle Hartleif

Soil chemistry


  • Chemical analyses of soil and water samples
  • Nutrient leaching in a tropical montane rain forest in the Andes of South Ecuador

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2019 Research assistant in the Geomorphology and Soil Science Group at the Institute of Geography and Geoecology of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
2015-2019 Study of Biotechnology and Chemical process engineering (M. Sc.) at the University of Bayreuth.
2011-2015 Study of Environmental engineering (B. Eng.) at the  Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden.


Seit 2019 Nutrient supply as driver of biomass production and associated ecosystem water fluxes along a land-use and climate gradient (DFG, WI 1601/26-1). The project is part of the DFG Research Unit 2730 - Environmental changes in biodiversity hotspot ecosystems of South Ecuador: response and feedback effects (RESPECT). www.tropicalmountainforest.org