Prof. Dr. Erika Schneider
- Research, Teaching
- Group: Wetland ecology
- Phone: +49 7222 3807-21
- Fax: +49 7222 3807-99
- erika schneider ∂ partner kit edu
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
Abteilung Aueninstitut
D-76437 Rastatt
Erika Schneider
- Succession of vegetation in floodplains from pioneer colonisation to floodplain forests and floodplain meadows on the example of long term monitoring on the Northern Upper Rhine in the Nature Reserve “Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue”
- Restoration of drained and embanked area in the Danube Delta and the lower Danube
- Riparian gallery like floodplain forests and their importance for the ecosystem (Habitat type 91E0)
- Meadows (wet and dry) and their changes under human impact
Curriculum vitae
Since 1985 |
Scientific officer at the WWF-Floodplain Institute of WWF-Germany (till 2004) as division/Bereich WWF-Auen-Institut/Institute for Floodplains Ecology at the Institue of Geography and Geoecology |
Study stage at the University Vienna (Geobotany and Ecology) |
Researcher/ Scientific officer in the Botanical Department of the Natural History Museum integrated in the Brukenthal-Museum of Sibiu/Hermannstadt |
Researcher/ Scientific officer at the Biological Institute of the Romania Academy of Science- Biological Research Center in Cluj-Napoca, Department of Systematics, Geobotany and Plant Ecology |
1975 |
PhD (Dr. rer.nat) at the Babes-Bolyai University with the theme: Flora and Vegetation of the Cibin-Depression and its surrounding hill area; superviser Prof. Dr. Alexander Borza and Prof. Dr. Stefan Csürös |
Academic studies of Biology with focus Geobotany and plant ecology at the „Babes-Bolyai“-University of Cluj-Napoca /Romania, finalized with the degree of Dipl. Biologist (certified biologist)- Botanist with the diploma Thesis: Flora and Vegetation of steppe vegetation on the Zakel hill near the town of Sibiu/Hermannstadt |
- Restoration projects in the Danube Delta and on the Lower Danube
- Natura2000 management plan "Rhine depression between Wintersdorf and Karlsruhe"
- Development of bio-diversity in floodplains
Cooperation on the practical course for Floodplains Ecology of IfGG 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Cooperation/ Assistance of the annual excursion in the frame of the lecture „Wetland landscapes“ of Dr. Ch. Kämpf
Lectures as Professor at the „Lucian Blaga“-University in Sibiu-Hermannstadt, Chair of Ecology and Nature Conservation:
- Management of Natura 2000 areas
- Landscape analysis
- Wetlands Management (floodplains and other wetlands)
- Strategies for Conservation of Biodiversity
Theses supervised
- Co-superviser of the diploma thesis of Felizia Kuhlke, IfGG-Geo-Ecology (2013): Evolution of the vegetation after restoration measures (removal of the bank reinforcement to the mean water) on the river Rhine in the protected area “Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue” of Land Hessen
- Co-superviser of the Bachelor thesis of Julia Neuhäuser, IfGG-Geo-Ecology (2013): Pioneer colonisation after restoration measures on the lower Murg river in Rastatt
- Co-superviser of the Bachelor thesis of Annika Katharina Riedel, IfGG- Geo-Ecology (2013): Changes of the vegetation in the outle area of the polder Söllingen/Greffern, middel Upper Rhine on the example of three time sheets.