Jonas Kapitza
- Research associate
- Group: Gesellschaft
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Geographie und Geoökologie
Kaiserstr. 12
76131 Karlsruhe
Jonas Kapitza
- Mobility research
- Geography of the night
- Empirical social research (quantitative methods)
- Cartography
Winter semester 2022/23
- Lecture cartography
2019-2022 | Research associate at the Institute of Geography and Geoecology of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
2018 | Thesis on "Social and cultural consequences of earthquakes in Nepal" |
2012-2018 | Study of geography and mathematics for the teaching profession |
2011 | A-levels in Kehl |
Kapitza J.: On the way to work at night - The perception of security and insecurity during nighttime commutes in the urban area of Karlsruhe. Centennial Congress of the International Geographical Union (UGI- IGU). 18. - 22. July 2022, Paris.
Kapitza, J.: Distribution and time use of nighttime commutes. 43rd International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) Conference. 27. – 29. October 2021, Barcelona.
Kapitza, J.: Out at night. A human-geographic research on the users of nocturnal work and leisure trips. 1st International Conference on Night Studies. 2. – 4. July 2020. Lisbon. Held online.
Events / Public Relations
Kapitza, J.: Nachts auf dem Arbeitsweg. Wie Beschäftigte mit nächtlichen Arbeitswegen diese gestalten und wahrnehmen. Ein Zwischenfazit. Public symposium as part of the lecture series Forscherdrang of Architekturschaufenster Karlsruhe. 15. June 2021. Karlsruhe.