EarthShape: Earth Surface Shaping by Biota - Biotic Effects on Sediment Storage and Connectivity

  • Ansprechperson:

    Sebastian Schmidtlein

  • Förderung:

    DFG-SPP Program 1803


  • Projektbeteiligte:

    Thomas Hoffmann (BfG), Lothar Schrott (Univ. Bonn), Luca Mao (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Javier Lopatin (KIT) 

  • Starttermin:


  • Endtermin:


BioScapes IV is part of a series of independent EarthShape proposals that quantify biotic processes, surface process, and paleoclimate interactions at the catchment scale and larger. In this contribution, we analyse the evolution of the earth surface, which is governed by i) physical and chemical weathering, ii) hillslope and channel erosion, and iii) transport and deposition of sediment. Biota, and most prominent vegetation, plays a crucial role in all three processes.

This project aims at understanding temporal and spatial effects of vegetation and other biotic processes on sediment dynamics in the three EarthShape focus catchments in Chile. Along the flow path of water, sediment delivery and storage will be assessed along with vegetation. Vegetation attributes are investigated with field and remote sensing methods.