Ecosystem floodplain
- Fundamentals of floodplain ecology / functionality of floodplain ecosystems
- The hydrological regime, the basis of floodplain dynamics
- Arrangements of interactions in floodplains
- Functions of floodplains
- Bio-indicators as a quality indicator of intact ecosystems
River engineering and ecology
- Ecologically oriented flood control
- The Upper Rhine expansion and its consequences
- Environmental impact study
- State monitoring and ecological assessment of floodplains
- Planning, implementation and performance review of restoration projects on rivers and their floodplains
- Floodplains and their symbiotic communities
- Succession research / studies of development processes in river floodplains
- Biodiversity in wetlands
- Bio-indicators
- NATURA 2000
Big European rivers
- Danube Research: Danube floodplains / Danube Delta: detection of conditions, assessment, restoration
- Case studies / project examples of the Rhine, Loire / Allier, Elbe, Oder, Rio Magdalena etc.
- Management of catchment areas